Take Action: OBF Proposes 3-Foot Passing Law

Last June the City of Cleveland passed a law requiring motorists to give bicycle 3-feet of space when passing on the road. With this law in effect Bike Cleveland is currently working with Dix & Eaton (thanks to their 60 for 60 Campaign) to craft a public awareness campaign to educate motorists on the new law.

NOW the Ohio Bicycle Federation is proposing some changes to the Ohio Revised Code via HB35 that would include a statewide 3-foot passing law (read the proposed changes in blue here). If passed every city in Ohio would have a 3-foot passing law (just like the one that passed in Cleveland in June 2011, and passed years ago in Cincinnati).


Take a moment and sign the Ohio Bicycle Federation’s petition to the Ohio Legislature telling them to pass the law via Change.org.

Then personalize your support for a 3-ft passing law by contacting your state representative and senator and tell them YOU WANT OHIO TO PASS A 3-FOOT PASSING LAW NOW. Tell them that:

  • 21 States have passed 3-foot passing laws and locally major Ohio cities have passed 3-foot passing laws (Cleveland, Toledo and Cincinnati – Columbus is also considering a three foot law right now).
  • The law will give law enforcement a measurable tool for defining a safe distance for motor vehicles when passing and sharing the road with bicycles. It is about safety for both people on bikes and motorists. With more people biking there is a need to educate the public on how to best share the road and reduce the chance for serious injury.

The more voices we can get calling for a statewide 3-foot passing law, the better our chances for success.

SIDE NOTE: The proposed changes also broadens the definition of a bicycle to include anything that is human powered with two wheels or more (to help ensure cycles with 3,4,5…wheels have equal access to our public roadways. It also includes an expanded definition of “Malfunctioning Signals” to allow cyclists to treat a signal with a faulty detector as a stop sign.


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