Put us over the top! Leverage the match!


Things have been ramping up here at Bike Cleveland with the arrival of prime riding season, and we’re well on our way to reaching our goal of $3,500, and fully leveraging the dollar for dollar match our board is offering you! Double your donation by giving to our Spring fundraising campaign!

We just finished training 35 police officers from 19 different law enforcement departments, and we’re wrapping up the station placement of this summer’s Bike Share rollout. We placed the media buys for our rebooted “We’re All Drivers” public awareness campaign launching this May. Look for it on TV, radio, RTA buses, billboards, Pandora, and other digital media.

Now is the time to get maximum bang for your philanthropical buck! At no other point of the year can you double your donation through a matching program like we have during our Spring campaign. Help support our work by making a tax deductible donation to Bike Cleveland today!


With your help we will continue to be a force to be reckoned with and too big to ignore. Be the wind at our back this riding season, and we promise to work harder than ever transforming our region into a great place to ride.

Ride on!





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