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3 Foot Passing Law
“The operator of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle shall pass to the left at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle. When a motor vehicle overtakes and passes a bicycle, three feet or greater is considered a safe passing distance.”
We are the 501(c)(3) advocacy non-profit for people on bikes in the Greater Cleveland area. Representing over 1000 due paying members and more than 32 local businesses, we make sure that any time the conversation turns to transportation — that people on bikes are being considered alongside people in cars. We work to improve policy, infrastructure, and legislation to help make our roads places that serve people and communities, not just traffic. Our efforts are broad, and we have achieved a lot in our short history. If you care about sustainable and equitable transportation, join the movement!
Bike Cleveland is creating a region that is sustainable, connected, healthy, and vibrant by promoting bicycling and advocating for safe and equitable transportation for all.
Greater Cleveland neighborhoods are connected by a multimodal transportation network where the rules of the road are understood by all. A network of well-designed bikeways and walkways allows all people to safely navigate our communities. Biking, walking, and access to public transit are convenient, safe, used by a majority of people, and a source of pride in our community.
Our Values
Innovation and best practices – We embrace creative solutions that increase biking, walking, and the use of public transit to improve health, vibrancy, and quality of life for all Greater Cleveland residents.
Access and Connectivity – All residents and visitors should have safe access to a low-stress bike, walk and public transit network that connect people with where they need and want to go.
Health and Environment – Transportation choice and recreation options play a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality and the health of Greater Clevelanders, while also promoting active lifestyles and vibrant communities.
Equity and Inclusion – We listen to and actively engage all people in shaping our work and the region’s transportation infrastructure to ensure we are building a system that meets the needs of diverse users.
Organizational Sustainability – Our work is sustainable: we are fiscally, ethically, professionally, and environmentally responsible with our resources.
Community Responsibility – We harness the power of the community and civic leaders to effect change through open communication, collaboration, building trust, and diverse engaged public participation.
Safe and inviting multimodal facilities are a civil right, and transportation choice is essential to a high quality of life and economic growth. We engage and educate communities, institutions, and civic leaders to promote that belief. Our work builds a strong network of advocates through our members, local chapters, bike groups, volunteers, supporters, and communities who are essential in accomplishing our mission. We fully integrate equity and diversity in our work to ensure our movement grows inclusively across the region. We demonstrate what is possible through projects, outreach and events.
Historical and systemic transportation policies and practices have created inequitable conditions and marginalized our community. Bike Cleveland is committed to challenging its own history and practices, as well as that of our members and affiliates. As we reckon with our nation’s and local community’s wicked problems*, we are committed to this long-term journey and reconciliation. Bike Cleveland envisions a community where every person has equitable access to biking, walking and public transit. We are committed to listening, building authentic relationships, and developing equitable practices that uphold our strategies.
Bike Cleveland will be intentional on engaging, reflecting, and working with communities, populations and neighborhoods who have traditionally been underinvested in, including BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), transgender people, women, people with low income, people with disabilities, and residents of our identified areas of concern.
*Wicked problems are social or cultural problems that are difficult or impossible to solve for as many as four reasons: incomplete or contradictory knowledge, the number of people and opinions involved, the large economic burden, and the interconnected nature of these problems with other problems.