23 Miles of Smiles: New Year Edition

This year Bike Cleveland was able to host a variety of bike rides and in 2023 we plan on doing the same. Grab your cold weather gear, your bike and roll into 2023 with a new year bike ride led by our very own Education and Outreach Manager Diana “Devah D” Hildebrand.
23 Miles of Smiles 😃
Start location: Waterloo Arts (15605 Waterloo Rd, Cleveland, OH 44110)
Date & Start time: Sunday, January 1st 2023 @ 12:00 pm
Ride with GPS Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41532815?privacy_code=nXRD40AmeVgMsFOT
Total distance will be 23.7 miles and we estimate the ride will last about 3 hours. Let us know you are coming by RSVP’ing on EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/23-miles-of-smiles-new-year-edition-tickets-497984112887.
Invite your friends on Facebook.