Brecksville Bike Awareness Rally
Bike Cleveland calls on the cycling community and the region at large to turn out for an awareness rally focused on the rights and mistreatment of people on bikes. The rally will take place this Saturday, March 12th, at 11a.m. at Brecksville Town Square (NW corner of Route 82 and Route 21 in Brecksville, OH).
We are printing a two dozen signs. A combination of “Bike May Use Full Lane”, “I Am A Mother/Father And I Ride A Bike”, “Crash Not Accident”, “One Death Is Too Many” and “Distracted Driving Is Not An Accident”
Feel free to make your own. We have one ask. Please DO NOT make “cyclist lives matter” signs. Yes, they do, and yes, it’s a strong phrase….however, it doesn’t belong to our movement, and it’s polarizing. We have our own phrases. Let’s stick to those.
Please tell as many people as you can. A big turn out is the difference between having a real impact, or marginalizing us as a community. Let’s show our strength!
Questions? Contact Rob Thompson –