2021 Annual Meeting Recap

Every January, we prepare an in-person meeting for our growing ranks of members. We secure a unique, historic space in Cleveland (there are many), bring in catered food, tap kegs, and have a lively evening together. Bike shops and partner organizations attend, old friends mingle, and new friends are made. It’s part recap of the past year, part look forward to the next, and part social for our beloved community of supporters.
Naturally, there was a giant difference this year. Food was homemade. Beer was from your refrigerator. Everyone still gathered together, but we were all behind our respective device screens.
We gave live access to our presentation to our current members, and those that joined or renewed in the days beforehand. This year was different in another way – we had a special guest – Leah Shahum from the Vision Zero Network. The full presentation, including her keynote address, is below. If you are a member, thank you for being part of the movement for safe streets in Cleveland. If you like what you see in the video, please consider joining today and being part of our future work.
If you are reading this before midnight on January 31st, be aware that our annual raffle is still LIVE and open for ticket purchases. It features items from many of our supporters, and all of the proceeds will help to fund programs we have planned in 2021. Purchase your tickets at https://bikecle.rallyup.com/546873/LVPXIB
We thank you all, and look forward to seeing you in person again soon. For now, we’ll just have to be reminded of your smiling faces through this screenshot of our informal post-meeting social and bike trivia rendezvous!