Action Alert: Connect the Maple Highlands Trail

UPDATE February 24th, 2014: Over 600 people have signed the petition telling the Geauga County Commissioners to approve the land easement needed to connect the Maple Highlands Trail.
Now we need you in person as supporters attend the Geauga County Commissioners meeting onThursday, February 27th at 6:30pm at theCommissioners’ Chambers (470 Center St., Chardon, OH, Bldg #4). Lets us know you are coming and invite your friends on Facebook.
While a discussion about the Maple Highlands Trail is not on the agenda, supporters have the opportunity to speak during the public comment portion at the end of the meeting. This is our chance to tell the commissioners in person that we want the trail built as planned.
Get caught up on why we need to be at the Geauga County Commissioners meeting and why they are delaying construction on the Maple Highlands Trail by reading the blog post below. If you have not be sure to show your support for the trail by signing.
Posted February 10th, 2014: We need your help in completing the Maple Highlands Trail through the City of Chardon.
Funding is secure to connect the Maple Highlands Trail, but construction is in risk of being delayed due to the Geauga County Commissioner’s failure to approve access to county owned land needed for the trail connection. The connection will construct 1.33 miles of trail and help complete a continuous 21-mile multi-modal trail serving Geauga County residents and visitors. The trail connects to the Greenway Corridor in Lake County and will ultimately be connected to Lake Erie.
BUT the Geauga County Commissioners are holding the completion of the trail hostage by delaying the needed approval of a land easement needed for the trail extension.
We urge Chardon and Geauga County residents, and everyone who support the bike path through Chardon and Geauga County, to call the Commissioners’ office at 440-279-1660 telling them “you want the Maple Highlands Trail to be connected through Chardon as planned and funded”. Also be sure to sign the petition below which will send the Geauga County Commissioners a letter urging them to authorize the easement needed to complete the Maple Highlands trail.
We can not let petty arguments delay the completion of a regional trail, bikeway network. Please act now.
[emailpetition id=”6″]
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