Eastside Greenway is back for an encore public forum Tuesday at Nighttown in Cleveland Heights

After a series of public hearings in September, proponents of the Eastside Greenway in Cuyahoga County are bringing the project back for an encore public forumTuesday at Nighttown, 12387 Cedar Road in Cleveland Heights.
The goal of the project, now in the early stages of planning, is to expand a bike and pedestrian network throughout the east side of Cuyahoga County.
Four hearings on the project were held in late September, but attendance was thin at some. Hence, the Heights Bicycle Coalition has persuaded the planners to come back for another session at 7 p.m. Tuesday – and to gather additional input from the public.
Source: The Plain Dealer
Link: http://www.cleveland.com/architecture/index.ssf/2014/10/eastside_greenway_is_back_for.html