Public Meeting: Buckeye Road Rehabilitation
Public Information Presentation of the Buckeye Road Rehabilitation Project
Tuesday, September 28, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
This presentation can be accessed by using the information below:
1.) Join the virtual meeting on-line using this link: Virtual Meeting
2.) Join by Phone : 1-415-655-0003 (US Toll )
3.) Assemble with your neighbors to participate as a group at:
Morningstar Baptist Church
10250 Shaker Boulevard
Construction is scheduled to begin Spring 2022 and be completed Spring 2023. The proposed improvements include:
- Full and partial depth pavement repairs as needed, and complete asphalt resurfacing.
- Removal of excess paved surfaces to increase green space, improve aesthetics and downstream water quality.
- New sidewalk, ADA-compliant curb ramps and drive aprons as necessary.
- Improve pedestrian experience with enhanced street crossings.
- Pedestrian improvements with rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) at select crosswalks.
- Streetscaping including decorative crosswalks, neighborhood gateway signs and banners, street trees, planters, furnishings.
- Signing and pavement marking upgrades, including bike lanes between Shaker Blvd. and MLK Jr. Dr. and sharrows from MLK Jr. Dr. to S. Moreland Blvd.
Based on our previous post on Buckeye Road, we are pleased to see the lane configuration change to buffer cyclists from motor vehicles.