Rider Alert: Superior Avenue Closure

The eastbound and westbound lanes of West Superior Avenue between W. 6 and W. 9 Streets will be completely closed beginning Thursday, June 14, at 6 p.m. The corridor is due to reopen the morning of Monday, June 18.
Detour routes will be clearly posted and Cleveland Police will be providing traffic control in the area.
For westbound riders, the detour will be north on W. 6 Street, west on St. Clair Avenue, south on W. 9 Street and then west on W. Superior Avenue to the Detroit Superior Bridge.
For eastbound riders, the detour will be north on W. 9 Street, east on St. Clair Avenue, south on W. 6 Street and then east on W. Superior Avenue.
However – it would be prudent to avoid the area if possible by using the Lorain-Carnegie bridge, or finding your way around the detour via river-level roads like Columbus.
The silver lining: This work brings the construction project on Superior to a close, and will allow the protected lane to be installed on the bridge eastbound, the bike lanes to be painted on Superior between 6th and 9th, as well as getting the long awaited Two Stage Bike Turning Boxes and Bike Signal implemented.