BIKEclipse – escape the crowds for the solar eclipse


All things point to Cleveland being a very busy location for the solar eclipse, with visitors flocking to our region from points afar. Thankfully, you should be able to use your bike to escape the masses, and enjoy the spectacle without dealing with the anticipated crowds and traffic jams.

We’ve put together a brief list of spots where you should be able to find some peace. These are spots that:

  • Are away from large parking areas, and easy to access by bike
  • Provide a clear view of the sky
  • Might not be top-of-mind for visitors arriving by car
  • Near or on trails and kiddo-friendly

There may be more, so if nothing else – use this list to inspire you to visit that chill location you cycle by on your normal routes!

Towpath Mounds | MAP

Right along the Towpath at the edge of Tremont, these icons don’t have parking nearby. They might be the perfect vantage point, but not a lot of flat area if you’re thinking about a picnic and such.

Mill Creek Falls | MAP

Nestled in a small corner of Slavic Village, this spot boasts some meadow areas and seclusion that might not be the first place that comes to mind. Not far from the Mill Creek Trail and Morgana Run Trail.

The Lower 40 | MAP

This is an offshoot loop of the Towpath near Cuyahoga Heights that edges towards the river. There are little grassy open zones here, and north of this loop on the Towpath that would work for a few hours of skywatching without a crowd.

Old Lorain Road | MAP

At the bottom of Old Lorain Road, where it intersects with the Metroparks All Purpose Trail along Valley Parkway, lies a small parking lot and large unnamed meadow that is often empty. This could be a nice respite for folks on the westside.

Stanford Road (Closed to cars) | MAP

If you are a fan of closed roads that are slowly returning to nature, here is your spot. This road is blockaded north of Stanford House, but it continues through to Brandywine Falls for those on foot or bikes. Full sky view. Sit right in the middle of the roadway! Near Lock 33 and Boston in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.



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