Support Cleveland Metroparks – Yes on Issue 80

As you may know Cleveland Metroparks has a levy, also known as Issue 80, on the ballot for November 5th. Issue 80 is a renewal of an existing levy with an increase.
If you use Cleveland Metroparks you know that their reservations are a true asset for biking in Greater Cleveland. Through their new strategic plan we will continue to see their importance within our advocacy movement grow. Noted as one of their key directions they will: “focus land acquisition and trail development on filling gaps within the Emerald Necklace, providing regional links that connect to adjacent systems, and provide open space and recreational resources to underserved areas.”
Cleveland Metroparks is an important partner in increasing cycling culture in Northeast Ohio. They have been a continued to be a supporter of the BikeBox parking corrals, by 2014 they plan to increase the mileage of mountain bike trails to 24 miles and have been an open partner with Bike Cleveland in implementing strategies for making the reservations parkways more bike friendly.
It is clear that the park understands the importance of biking. They are also focused on a much larger picture for the Cleveland area: the role the park plays in bringing business and talented people into the region by providing world class recreation. The role of the park as an economic resource providing a Return on Investment for the taxpayers makes it a park that is more than just recreation.
It is important to also note that the Cleveland Metroparks is fiscally responsible and debt–free. With this in mind Bike Cleveland encourages you to vote YES on Issue 80, our parks are worth it. Learn more about Issue 80 here.