W. 65th Street TLCI- Final Public Meeting

On Tuesday, February 12th the final public meeting was held to present the recommendations for the W. 65th Street TLCI project (which encompasses from the Lakefront south to Denison Ave.
The plan calls for a multipurpose trail from Detroit Avenue the entire corridor south to Denison Avenue, creating a safe place for people who do not feel comfortable mixing with traffic to ride. For cyclists who prefer to ride on the road the plan also calls for sharrows the entire length of the corridor and bike boxes at Detroit and Lorain Avenues. The W. 65th Street plan moves the city closer to a future potential continuous bikeway connection between Lake Erie and the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.
Check out the presentation and if you have any comments you can send them to Michelle Johnson at Environmental Design Group at MJohnson@envdesigngroup.com.
W65th Street TLCI Public Meeting 3 by Jacob VanSickle
You can download a copy here.