Alicia Cleveland’s Story

“My name is Alicia Cleveland and I am 30 years old. I’ve been riding a bike since I was a child for  fun and as something to use for transportation since I was a child and couldn’t drive. Then also like a means to explore, use different skill sets like cycling with no hands, for fun.  In college,  transportation was a reason at that point. I chose to get around on bike instead of a car because it’s better to leave less carbon footprint, so it was better for the environment, the air and to not contribute to pollution by using so much gas. Also it’s just as simple as therapy and is a way to stay connected to nature and something to make memories with my daughters and those things so it becomes a milestone, as well, for them and I have my own journey biking. I get to watch them and see the different meaning and impact that it has on their lives’.”

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