Deja Pearson’s Story

“My name is Deja Pearson and I’m from East Cleveland, Ohio. I work as the owner of a dog grooming salon in Shaker Heights, Ohio, where I also currently live cycling in 2023 as a means of transportation to and from work and I bought a trailer for my young son who was two at the time to come with me and it quickly turned into a source of joy and fitness and , I have been cycling ever since can you tell me about health experienced and cycling up that out so I ended up hurting my back from a number of sources earlier in 2024 I think a huge contributing factor was how physical my job is a dog groomer and when I went on a long road trip to Tennessee to visit family after that trip, my back progressively got worse and worse until one day I could not move without excruciating pain I went to the chiropractor shortly after and she told me I had a herniated disc as well as as well as some other issues and I started treatment at the chiropractor previous to my main form of fitness yoga, which allowed me flexibility, but for some reason after this injury, yoga made it worse so my chiropractor Suggested that once I was well enough, I should try a fitness that was not yoga, but could still help me get stronger in my back so I remembered that I cycled the year before and I went back to that just riding around for fun since now, I had a car as means of transportation While biking for fun and exercise all those feelings came back of joy and freedom, and I became stronger and stronger and core back legs pretty much my whole body and my chiropractor saw me through treatment. She told me that my body has become much more healthy than it was when I had the injury.”