Lakeshore Boulevard Traffic Calming

Last fall we attended two public meetings to discuss the plans for Lakeshore Boulevard that would address the speeding problem along the corridor. Having Lakeshore remain a high speed (regardless of how it is posted) 4-lane road effectively cuts off residents from reaching the lake via active transportation like biking and walking. City Traffic Engineering have conducted a traffic study and can improve the corridor by implementing a “road diet” that would slow traffic and improve access for residents.
Councilman Polensek was very skeptical of the road diet concept. This is not about bike lanes, although they are a nice bonus with this new configuration. This is about returning Lakeshore Boulevard to local residents, rather than preserving a design that encourages it to be used as a high speed commuter cut through. Watch the video, then check out the petition below. There will be a public meeting to discuss the plan soon, so check back for more details as they develop.
[emailpetition id=”17″]