
We can only achieve our mission with the generous support of people like you.

Your donation will increase our capability to give voice to the priorities of the bicycling community, and provide the needed funds to support our advocacy campaigns. By making a donation you are directly funding the work it takes to advocate for bicycling and ultimately improve the quality of life in Greater Cleveland. We are a 501(c)3 charitable nonprofit so donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.  After donating, take the next step and, and join the voice of over 1,000 riders just like you that demand safe streets!

If you would rather not donate online you can opt to send us a check or money order. Make checks payable to "Bike Cleveland" and send it to:

Bike Cleveland
3000 Bridge Avenue, Suite 1
Cleveland, OH 44113

Make an Online Donation

Matching gifts

You can easily double or even triple the dollar value of your donation to Bike Cleveland through your company’s matching gift program. To make your match ask your company’s human resources or community relations department if they have a matching gift program. If they do, send your company's matching gift form along with your donation OR provide us with the company name, matching gift program contact, phone and e-mail.

You can also make a donation through workplace giving programs. Federal and state employees also have workplace campaigns, so check with your employer.