Advocacy is the heart of our work. This is where we ask you to take action in support of safe streets. Below you will find tools to identify your legislators, our current action alerts, and groups to get connected with to support safe streets.
Explore Our Advocacy Section

Action Alerts
Here are our current action alerts. The best way to help transform City streets is to add your own voice and get involved. Sign-up to get action alerts about policies and projects that improve safety for people biking and walking right in your email or via text message

Better Streets Committees
Bike Cleveland's Better Streets Committees aim to empower residents in improving street safety, comfort, and accessibility by launching neighborhood committees focused on hyper-local infrastructure and alternative transportation promotion.

Vision Zero
Vision Zero Cleveland is an initiative of the City of Cleveland and Cleveland City Council in partnership with community groups and various other local agencies to eliminate serious injury and fatal crashes by the year 2032.

NEO Families for Safer Streets
Northeast Ohio Families for Safe Streets (NEO FSS) is a group for people who have lost loved ones or who have been injured in a crash by aggressive, reckless, or careless driving, which is often behavior enabled by dangerous street design. The group is designed to provide a community of support for victims and loved ones.