Opening Day for Trails

Join us and our partners for a spring celebration along the Cuyahoga River on the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail & Cleveland Foundation Centennial Lake Link Trail!
Stop by and take a ride or hike, enjoy some snacks and refreshments from Cleveland Metroparks’ Merwin’s Wharf, and learn more about the great pathways in northeast Ohio and around the state!
What’s happening:
▪️ Program begins at noon.
▪️ Tours: Depart at 12:30 p.m. and again at 2 p.m.
👟 Future Redline Greenway Tours (12:30 p.m. & 2 p.m.): Guided hike to the future site of the Redline Greenway Trail. Please wear footwear needed for a rugged hike.
🚲 Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail Bike Ride Tours (12:30 p.m. & 2 p.m.): Explore the not-yet-opened-to-the-public section of the Towpath. This will be a bike ride from Merwin’s Wharf to Steelyard Commons.
For the last six years, thousands of trail users across the country—long-timers and newbies alike—have joined Rails-to-Trails Conservancy in celebrating America’s exceptional trails and trail systems on Opening Day for Trails. And to make the Opening Day for Trails – 2019 a real home run, you’ll even get a swing at winning some awesome trail gear courtesy of our sponsors and partners at Wheel & Sprocket, KEEN, Adidas, Hydro Flask Patagonia and Topo Designs. Learn more:
We hope you’ll join us on the trail to make this year’s Opening Day one of the best yet! Start spreading the word with your friends and family now using #RTCOpeningDay and invite everyone on the Facebook Event.
Happy trails!