2020 Annual Meeting Recap

For those of you that joined us for our 2020 Annual Meeting, thank you – and we hope you enjoy this little review. If you couldn’t make it – now is your chance to catch up on what you missed! We had an all new venue this year, and we packed the historic ballroom at Sokol Greater Cleveland with current Bike Cleveland members, partner organizations, and lots of NEW members!
As has become customary at our annual meetings, we start off the evening with great food and drink. This year we had an incredible gourmet taco bar from Saucisson, and plenty of delicious libations from Platform Beer Co.
Attendees had plenty of time to linger in the side room that was jam packed with displays from local vendors and partner organizations like the Ohio City Bicycle Co-op, Cleveland Metroparks, Beat Cycles, Century Cycles, Knabe Law Firm, OHM Advisors, the Cleveland Velodrome, County Planning, the League of Women Voters, Slow Roll Cleveland, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, the Lake Erie Wheelers, and more!
We then rolled right into our staff presentation (available below), which serves two purposes – to showcase what we had accomplished in 2019, and to look forward into 2020 to what is on the horizon for bicycle improvements in Cleveland. We also have an awards ceremony to highlight those that went above and beyond in 2019, and we showed a 15 minute video (also below) that allowed our local chapters to shine.
This year’s award winners were Bob Curran, Tim Kovach, Timothy Sommerfelt, and the Cleveland Metroparks.
At the end, we finished up with our yearly raffle, what becomes more amazing each year with prizes from Beat Cycles, Century Cycles, the Cleveland Velodrome, Joy Machines Bike Shop, Long Distance Cycling Cleveland, the Ohio City Bicycle Co-op, Spin Bike Shop and a $1000 bicycle courtesy of Knabe Law Firm!
A heartfelt THANK YOU to all of our members, partner organizations, and event sponsors that are helping to further the mission for safe streets. A special shout out goes to Ohio Desk, Knabe Law Firm. and the Steve Magas Law Firm for their generous sponsorship of this meeting. If you are not a member yet – join us today – and be part of this amazing local community!