2023 Annual Meeting Recap

After a few years of doing our Annual Meetings on Zoom, we were pleased to bring one back in full force at Sokol Greater Cleveland! Our members, local partners, and bike shops filled the room at this historic venue.
The opening hour of the event was a social hour, with beer from Great Lakes Brewing and a gourmet taco bar from Saucisson. After a few years of missing this cabin-fever-reducing get together – everyone had smiles as they reconnected with one another over food and drink.
We had a full capacity crowd. Our membership is on another growth surge, and there were a lot of new faces in the room. The perimeter of the space was filled with about a dozen local bike shops, groups such as Slow Roll Cleveland, and local partners as well. Those that were feeling lucky also purchased tickets for raffle prizes from Beat Cycles, Century Cycles, the Great Allegheny Passage, the Ohio City Bike Co-Op, Spin Bike Shop, and the Cleveland Velodrome. We also had an amazing grand prize bicycle courtesy of Knabe Law Firm!
Once the presentation got underway, the crowd was updated by not only Bike Cleveland’s staff, but a few special guests as well. Ward 3 City Councilman Kerry McCormack and the City of Cleveland’s Senior Strategist for Transit and Mobility Calley Mersmann provided some perspective as well. Part of our time was also spent presenting our Guardian of Transportation Awards to special folks that went above and beyond this year. We thank:
Paul Lopez
Angelo Trivisonno
Loh and Dave Bass (People’s Streets)
Joyce Cummings and Tiffany Andreoli
Slow Roll Cleveland
The complete presentation. slide by slide, can be seen by clicking the image below.
Our Annual Meeting is just one of the perks of being a Bike Cleveland Member, and we would like to thank our meeting sponsors from Ohio Desk and Knabe Law Firm for their continued support of our work.