ACTION ALERT: Support Better Bike Lanes on North & South Moreland

South and North Moreland Boulevard from Griffin Avenue to Larchmere Boulevard are set to be reconstructed starting in January of 2023. This $7 million project will redesign the intersections and roadway in this essential economic district connecting Shaker Square to the surrounding neighborhoods. You can learn more about the project at
In its current form, the plan includes improvements for pedestrian safety including bump-outs and realigned intersections. These are commonplace improvements to overall road safety in the City’s commitment to Vision Zero.
The issue we’ve raised with city leaders with the current plan is that it includes a standard bike lane on South Moreland and a sharrow (shared lane) on North Moreland. This is not the ideal facility for North and South Moreland given the crucial connections this corridor makes with Shaker Square, public transit stations, the Lake to Lakes Trail, and the surrounding eastside neighborhoods. The city is evaluating the possibility of a protected bike lane on the corridor and we need you to voice your support for a protected bike lane on North & South Moreland. Here are two actions we need you to take:
Join us at the upcoming public meeting and share your support for a protected bike lane on North and South Moreland:
When: November 9th @ 6pm
Where: Greenview Campus of Positive Education Program (14201 Southington Rd, Shaker Heights, OH)
Meeting Flyer:
Sign our petition in support of a protected bike lane for all ages and abilities on North & South Moreland.
With the same street width as South Moreland to work with, and only mildly higher traffic counts, we see no reason for the emerging bicycle network to be disrupted here. Moreland offers ample roadway space – this is an opportunity for the City to advance non-vehicle mobility by installing separated facilities within the roadway by using parking-protected lanes or separated lanes (both depicted below) along the center median. Although these would be new types of facilities for our area, they have been utilized in other cities that are increasing the safety and comfort of vulnerable road users.
Shaker Square is in the midst of a revitalization and has always been a major transit hub. Any connected bike network must include safe connections to this eastside staple.
Cleveland can’t wait for protected bike lanes, especially when projects like these are already underway. Show support for protected bike lanes on North & South Moreland by attending the upcoming public meeting and signing our petition.