Bike Cleveland Wins a $60,000 Grant from the Gund Foundation!!

More good news for Cleveland cyclists: Bike Cleveland has been awarded a $60,000 grant from the Gund Foundation.
The grant, our first major award, will make it possible for Bike Cleveland to begin seeking a staff person who will be fully devoted to our mission to advocate for and support Cleveland’s cycling community. The existence of a bike advocacy group with a paid staff will be a first for greater Cleveland and is yet another sign that the city’s transportation landscape is evolving toward sustainability.
The Gund Foundation, in particular program officer John Mitterholzer, has been an early and important ally in the movement to make Cleveland a bike friendly city. Although we plan to seek additional funding from other sources, this sizable grant gives the new organization a solid financial base from which to build.
We will keep our members and the public informed as we begin the search for an executive director and more generally in our other efforts to reach the goals the community laid out at our Bike Summit this summer.
Thanks again to the Gund Foundation for its generosity, vision, and commitment to cycling.