Bike to Somewhere Day – May

We are still in a period where the pandemic is altering our lives in so many ways. Offices are still empty while people work from home, gatherings are still limited, safety precautions continue – and these realities force us all to be more flexible.
May is Bike Month worldwide, and we traditionally celebrate the 3rd Friday morning of the month with Bike to Work Day. But we know that work patterns are still not back to normal (will they ever be?) and that this opens the opportunity to try something new. So, join us on Friday, May 21st for Bike to Somewhere Day! It’s a riff on the League of American Bicyclists’ “Bike to Anywhere Day” that is happening around the country.
The idea is simple. We want you to make it a point to RIDE somewhere that Friday, and share your experience! Ride to the store, run a errand by bike, take a lunchtime spin – just ride somewhere and put a smile on your face! Tag us on your favorite social media platform so we can share your photo! We also want to take a moment and thank our partners at VeloSano for supporting these monthly events.
Short on ideas? Try one of these:
Visit Bike Cleveland on Public Square: We will be on Public Square from 8am-1pm with snacks (while supplies last). Join, renew your membership, get the latest updates – or just chat it up with some like-minded bike folks. Just look for the Bike Cleveland tent, and please observe our requirements for masking and physical distancing. We look forward to seeing you all in person again!
Bonus: Representatives from Bird, Lime, and Spin will be joining us with demos and a preview of what could potentially be the next round of mobility options around town starting in June.
From Public Square, head out on one of these routes:
Cleveland Script Sign Loop: Link together most of the iconic signs in one shot. Details and Map
Cleveland Civil Rights Loop: Ride to the first three sites of the African American Civil Rights Trail. Details and Map
Cleveland Mural Loop: Get up close and personal with many of our city’s mural art installations. Details and Map
Cleveland History Loop: Take a DIY bike tour of the fantastic history of our region. Details and Map