Bikeshare returns to Cleveland!

After a long absence, the return of bikeshare is underway in Cleveland. The red UHBikes bicycles and racks were removed late last year, and an updated system of black & blue bikes called HOPR will be taking their place. A limited distribution of the bikes is underway now, with a full implementation of up to 250 bikes expected very soon.
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Here are some key points to know before you grab one:
- The keypad for checking out the bike is no longer on the rear rack. No more entering your account number and PIN directly to a keypad on the bike. Everything is done via the HOPR Transit App, Reserve your bike on the app or scan the QR code on the handlebar.
- If you were a UHBikes user, and had credit left on your account – it transfers forward. Just log into the HOPR App and create an account with the same phone number you used for UHBikes and your balance will be transferred.
- The bike has it’s own locking mechanism, and you can park it where you wish within the service area. There are designated parking zones (called “Ponds”) along with racks that you are encouraged to use, but like scooters – these are designed to maximize convenience and take you right where you want to go. Please follow the city’s guidelines (outlined below) for parking to ensure a safe environment for other users of public spaces.
These bikes are a welcome return to the streets of Cleveland, and join a growing list of mobility options. For more information, and to view pricing plans and hit all of the other FAQ’s, head to the HOPR Cleveland page for the latest.
City of Cleveland dockless Bike and Scooter parking guidelines:
Riders may park scooters or bikes anywhere on the sidewalk in the “furniture zone,” as long access for others is not blocked. The furniture zone is the area between the curb and the walkway where there may already be trash cans, bus stops, benches and bike racks.
Riders are encouraged to keep an eye out to avoid blocking:
- The pedestrian walkway
- Bus stops and shelters
- Doorways and emergency exits
- Fire hydrants and standpipes
- Driveways and sidewalk ramps
Scooters and bikes should never be parked in the roadway and should always be left standing upright. Complete Info