Cleveland Mayoral Candidate Forum

Every Cleveland resident deserves to live in a safe home in a healthy neighborhood.
We deserve clean air to breathe, safe water to drink, and high-quality, nearby green space to enjoy. We deserve access to reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy resources to power our homes, water utilities to provide for our families, and safe multi-modal transportation options to get us where we need to go.
Join local advocates for a conversation with the candidates running to be the next Mayor of Cleveland to hear their vision for tackling the most pressing environmental and environmental justice issues facing Cleveland residents.
Cleveland Mayoral Candidate Forum: For a Healthier and More Equitable Environment
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
5:30 – 7:00 PM
Register at:
All Cleveland Mayoral Candidates have been invited to participate in this event. Each candidate will be given an opportunity to provide opening remarks. Following this introduction, we will ask a series of questions sourced from advocates and community members on topics related to environmental justice, water, land and green space, infrastructure and transportation, as well as energy and air quality.
The event will be streamed virtually on Zoom and at select watch parties throughout the city. Join us:
Have a question for the candidates? You can submit your question in writing or by uploading a 1 minute video here:
We look forward to seeing you online on Wednesday, July 21!
Disclaimer: This is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) event. Event hosts, as nonpartisan 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, cannot support or oppose candidates or political parties, or ask candidates to pledge to support our position on an issue if elected.