Detroit Ave. Bike Lane

The City of Cleveland is holding a public meeting to present a proposed bike lane on Detroit Avenue from W. 25th Street to Lake Avenue. Come see the proposed design and provide feedback and support.
The meeting will take place in the Reinberger Auditorium of West Side Ecumenical Ministry located at 5209 Detroit Ave. It will begin promptly at 6pm. Check out the event on Facebook and share it with your friends!
A bike lane on Detroit Avenue has been a priority for Bike Cleveland since the City of Cleveland committed to finding a way to get cyclists safely east and west
along this heavily biked corridor in December of 2011. Since then we have been working with the City, Councilman Zone, and Councilman Cimperman to identify a way to accommodate cyclists safely.The 1.7 mile bike lane is planned along one of the most commonly traveled bike corridors in the City of Cleveland. According to the NOACA bike counts, over the past 8 months there has been an increase in bike usage of about 32% on Detroit Avenue.
Come support a project that will help to make our city more bicycle-friendly and make our streets safer for all road users. Lets pack the house.
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