Fleet Avenue Streetscape Public Meeting

Join community activists, Councilman Brancatelli and the City of Cleveland for a public meeting to discuss the Fleet Avenue Streetscape on Thursday, May 23rd at 6pm at St. John Nepomucene Church (3875 Independence Blvd). Here is the public meeting flyer.
According to Slavic Village Development’s website the Fleet project includes street and sidewalk improvements to the section of Fleet between I77 and Broadway. Plans call for streetscape improvements, green infrastructure, and bicycle lanes to be installed between East 49th and East 65th Streets. Also included are plans for bump-outs at intersections to reduce the distance of pedestrian crosswalks and to preserve on-street parking.
Councilman Tony Brancatelli said the project is critical to attracting investment to Slavic Village and rebounding from the impacts of the housing market crash.
Funds for the project will be available in July. Engineering for the project is slated to begin in the fall and take a year to complete. The project should be ready for construction in late 2013 or early 2014.
Cyclists are needed to show support for the bike lanes and to help advocate to continue them to Broadway Avenue.