Make Bike Cleveland Part of Your Spring Checklist

A mild winter means an early spring! With riding season upon us, at Bike Cleveland we are gearing up for some of our busiest months of the year.
- Partnering with the City of Cleveland and NOACA, work on a formal feasibility study for The Midway is already underway.
- Our 2016 Law Enforcement Training is coming up in April.
- We will be hosting another Random Act of Brightness this spring.
- Adoption of a district wide Safe Routes to School travel plan isn’t too far away.
- Laying the ground work for launching large scale Bike Share this summer continues.
- We’re in the midst of tweaking our public awareness campaign, We’re All Drivers for a 2016 run across multiple media platforms.
For a small non-profit such as us, it’s a lot, but it’s work we love and believe in. The only way this work happens is with your support. If you believe in it as well, we ask you to help support it by making a tax deductible donation to Bike Cleveland today!
Our ranks have been swelling in recent months, and we’re stronger than ever! As someone who cares about our work we need you to join or renew right now! As an added incentive to give, our awesome board will supercharge your gift by matching total donations up to $3,500 during our spring campaign! Never before has your support been so powerful. Your $50 donation turns into $100 with this generous match of our committed board of directors. Make your donation by April 30th to ensure your donation is leveraged.
With your help we will continue to be a force to be reckoned with and too big to ignore. Make us part of your spring checklist. Be the wind at our back this riding season, and we promise to work harder than ever transforming our region into a great place to ride.
Ride on!
Jacob VanSickle, Executive Director
Bike Cleveland
P.S. – Want to see your donation tripled? Check with your workplace to see if they match donations.