Make it Count: Volunteer bike counters needed

<p style=”text-align: center;”><img alt=”” src=”” width=”389″ height=”367″ /></p>
Bike Cleveland and NOACA need your help counting people on bikes May 7-10th. The data you help collect will be used to improve biking conditions in our community. In addition to knowing that you are helping make riding a bike an enjoyable experience for people of all abilities volunteers will receive a gift card to a local bike shop of their choice…WHAT?!? That’s right a free gift card to get some sweet bike gear just for helping count bikes, SO <a href=”” target=”_self”>SIGN UP NOW</a>.
For more information and or to sign-up visit <a href=”” target=”_self”></a> or contact Marc Von Allmen at <a href=””> </a>or 216-241-2414 ext. 250.