Vision Zero – Community Open Houses

The Vision Zero Action Planning team is holding a series of community open houses over the next couple weeks. Stop by to review community feedback from public engagement in October, 2021 and share your top priorities to stop deaths and serious injuries from traffic crashes in Cleveland. Click on the open house option of your choice below to register, or stop by any time from 4:00-7:00 and stay as long as you’d like!
Details for a citywide Action Plan webinar and several informational pop-ups will be announced soon. For more information about Vision Zero, the action planning process, and for other ways to get engaged visit
Tuesday, March 22nd
4pm – 7pm
Killingsworth Meeting Place
4127 E. 131st Street
Wednesday, March 23rd
4pm – 7pm
Aspen Place
6016 Lorain Avenue
Thursday, March 24th
Dave’s Market
1929 E. 61st Street
Friday, April 1st
Rincon Criollo Take 2
7403 Denison Avenue