Cuyahoga County Votes – 2022 County Executive & Council Questionnaire

To access Bike Cleveland and Clevelanders for Public Transit’s candidate questionnaire

When completing the survey you will need your unique identity code. If you do not have your code, please email to request one.

We ask you to complete this questionnaire by April 4th. Beginning April 5th, we will share responses on our respective organizational websites and with our members, supporters and contacts. Responses submitted after April 4th will be posted within 3 business days.

This is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) educational questionnaire. Because Bike Cleveland is recognized as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, we cannot endorse or oppose any candidate for elected public office. We have invited all candidates who have filed petitions with the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections at this time and will publish all responses we receive verbatim.

To learn more about Bike Cleveland visit

To learn more about Clevelanders for Public Transit visit