Explore Cleveland By Bike

Become a Volunteer!
We have a very small staff, so our power comes from members, volunteers, and cyclists just like you. Make a difference in your local community by giving us a bit of your time each year.

3 Foot Passing Law
“The operator of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle shall pass to the left at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle. When a motor vehicle overtakes and passes a bicycle, three feet or greater is considered a safe passing distance.”
During the COVID-19 outbreak, group events disappeared, leaving riders short on inspiration and ideas of where to ride. To counter this gap, we put together a handful of routes for people to head out and enjoy - solo or in small groups. We archived them here because they make a great starting point for visitors and new residents. As you scroll down, you will see routes based on Murals, History (a member guest route), and the Script Signs. All of these rides begin and end in Public Square, but since they are loops - you can jump in anywhere that is convenient for you. Remember to check our Getting Around By Bike and Bikes and the Law pages if you need a refresher on the best practices of road cycling before heading out.
Cleveland Script Sign Tour
The Cleveland script signs have become iconic, so why not do a ride to see them all of them** in one day? This tour is all on pavement, using bike lanes and paths as much as possible. Elevation changes are minor, and you'll be treated to views of the lake multiple times, downtown, and more. At just over 33 miles, this will make a great ride for you to share photos along the way! The route as mapped starts and ends a Public Square, but since it's a loop, you can begin anywhere along it.
** There are technically 6 signs, but one is indoors in the baggage claim at Cleveland-Hopkins Airport. Considering current conditions, we felt that it would be best to avoid that one due to the health concerns associated with a travel hub.
If you do the ride as mapped, you will visit the signs in this order...
...then return to Public Square. Have fun, and tag us on social media so we can share your adventure! (Twitter/Instagram: @Bike_CLE, Facebook: @Bikecleveland)
Cleveland Mural Tour
Cleveland has an outstanding array of outdoor murals for you to go find by bike. We've put together a paved route that uses bike lanes and paths as much as possible. At about 27 miles, it's a perfect distance for an afternoon of exploring. This route includes just a highlight of murals that are along the way. Keep your eyes peeled as you pedal, you will definitely see more on your ride! The route is built to start and end at Public Square, but since it's a loop - you can begin wherever works for you.
As routed, you will get to check out:
Jack Casino Art Wall @ Public Square
Pop Life @ 15619 Waterloo Rd, Cleveland, OH 44110
Constellation @ 1212 Huron Rd E, Cleveland, OH 44115
Welcome to Tremont @ 2630 W 14th St, Cleveland, OH 44113
Glass Bubble Project @ 2421 Bridge Ave, Cleveland, OH 44113
Stockyard Meats @ 6105 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH 44102
Prince & Love Doves @ Corner of 25th & Main & Washington
Kevin's Bicycle Tour of Cleveland's Globally or Glacially Significant Sites
National and international friends, welcome to Kevin’s Bicycle Tour of Cleveland's Globally or Glacially Significant Sites (or KBTCGGSS for short), a bike ride to visit significant sites of international or world significance in Cleveland. These are places that make Cleveland a unique blend of industry, places, craft and most of all, warm and caring people.
The photo icons in the map above include a photo of the areas you will visit, and this tour includes an incredible array of historical and factual information that you should read before heading out. The full history lesson can be found on the KBTCGGSS Page!