2024 Fundo Routes

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We have a very small staff, so our power comes from members, volunteers, and cyclists just like you. Make a difference in your local community by giving us a bit of your time each year.



3 Foot Passing Law

“The operator of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle shall pass to the left at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle. When a motor vehicle overtakes and passes a bicycle, three feet or greater is considered a safe passing distance.”

If you are participating in the 2024 Fundo, please do not download routes for your devices until you receive Thursday's Rider Email before the event. Registration for the Bike Cleveland Fundo remains open until noon on Thursday, August 22nd.

Please note that routes may change due to construction schedules or other unexpected road changes. Course will be fully marked. It is possible that the map we provide and actual route may vary due to very last-minute modifications.

This is a "rules of the road ride" and riders must obey all applicable laws while riding their bicycles on public roads. 

10 Mile Route

The 10 mile route is perfect for those looking for a short, family friendly option!  Roll out of Edgewater Park, ride some sections of street, Towpath Trail, and the Redline Greenway.  Fill your waterbottle and grab a snack at the Rest Stop on Abbey Road if you need to.

Choose this route if:  You'd like to enjoy a nice relaxing ride that even kids can do.  If riding with children unfamiliar with riding on the road, practice ahead of time in your neighborhood.

30 Mile Route

The 30 miler is our most popular option!  Head east from Edgewater Park along Lake Erie, then south towards University Circle, and on to Tremont to your fully stocked rest station. From there, enjoy a route on a portion of the Towpath Trail, and around Old Brooklyn on your way back to the finish!

Choose this route if: You've ridden on the road before and are relatively comfortable around cars. This ride will take between 2-4 hours and is rolling in terrain with a couple of hills being of the short and sharp variety, but more than manageable. You could do this ride on just about anything, but a bike with gears is recommended.

60 Mile Route

Looking for our biggest challenge? This route begins by taking the best of the 30 mile route above, and then adding our area's most beautiful and unique bicycle friendly parkways. This route features three full service rest stops before you swing back to the finish.

Choose this route if: You're an experienced rider or someone who rides regularly but are looking for a bigger challenge. Despite being the longest route, the elevation changes are minor with long stretches of good flat roads along the parkways. This ride will take you 3.5-6 hours depending on your pace, and how long you spend at each rest stop. We recommend a road bike, or something with gears and skinnier tires for a ride of this length.

Fundo Route Signage

The Bike Cleveland Fundo is a fully supported ride with official vehicles providing SAG support to riders with mechanical issues, and 3 strategically placed rest stops packed with food, water, and other good stuff! Each route is fully marked with large plastic signage like pictured below, and occasional orange route arrow stickers placed directly on the road/trail surface.