Stolen Bike Listings
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We have a very small staff, so our power comes from members, volunteers, and cyclists just like you. Make a difference in your local community by giving us a bit of your time each year.
3 Foot Passing Law
“The operator of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle shall pass to the left at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle. When a motor vehicle overtakes and passes a bicycle, three feet or greater is considered a safe passing distance.”
Listed below are all the stolen bikes reported within several miles of Cleveland, as tracked by the open source bike registration gurus at
If you come into contact with one of the stolen bikes in this listing, you can contact the owner through their BikeIndex listing or you can contact directly.
Please note: While some police departments do use our data, BikeIndex is not affiliated with law enforcement, it is largely a community effort. You should always report your stolen bike to the local police first, and please note your case number when reporting to Bike Index.
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