Bicycle Parking: Standards & Installations

Join Bike Cleveland & Dero for an informative lunch for developers, property managers, architects – and any other business leaders ready to embrace the benefits of quality bicycle parking.
Speaker: Lou Fineberg, Dero & Jason Kuhn, Bike Cleveland
Course Description:
The growth of bicycle use for transportation and tourism has increased significantly in the past decade and as a result, deliberate attention to bicycle parking is needed now more than ever. Bicycle storage facilities have become an integral part of new developments and are touted as a premium asset in commercial and residential properties. This session provides a fundamental approach to comprehensive bicycle parking standards, from selecting the right equipment to adequately preparing the space. The Bicycle Parking Standards and Installation session provides the expertise to improve bike storage to meet the needs of both the developer and the end user.
American Institute of Architects (AIA) offering 1.0 LU/HSW credit hours to registered architects
Lunch is provided. This workshop is co-hosted by Dero, Bike Cleveland, and Ohio Desk.
Please register/RSVP for this event to hold your spot.
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm: Presentation and Lunch
1. Describe the fundamental design features that create desirable bike parking facilities.
2. Use appropriate spacing standards for installation to allow for easy access for cyclists and their bicycles.
3. Identify the key considerations to meet ADA, LEED, and Parksmart standards.
4. Explain how to apply common guidelines of bike parking requirements.