Bike To Somewhere Day – June – Evening Edition

Join us for our June “Evening Edition” of Bike to Somewhere Day! Work commute realities have not returned to normal enough for our classic Bike to Work Day, and we’re still looking to get out there and engage with Cleveland riders – like you!
The idea is simple. We want you to make it a point to RIDE somewhere on Friday, and share your experience! Ride to the store, run a errand by bike, take an evening spin – just ride somewhere and put a smile on your face! Tag us on your favorite social media platform so we can share your photo. We also want to take a moment and thank our partners at VeloSano for supporting these monthly events.
We will post up along the recently completed Stage 4 of the Towpath Trail from 5-7PM – right behind the iconic Sokolowski’s University Inn. If you’re on the trail, you won’t miss us! Grab a snack, join/renew your membership or chat about the latest advocacy topics, and continue your ride. The trail continues in both directions, but if you’re done – there are many Tremont area eateries and other establishments to cure your hunger or thirst.
We’ll see you out there on Friday!
Friday, June 18th 2021 | 5 – 7PM | Towpath Trail (Behind Sokolowskis) | Facebook Event