Bikes and Rights

WHERE: Happy Dog at the Euclid Tavern – 11625 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44106
WHEN: Thursday, May 28th @ 6:30pm
WHAT: Join us for a few beers and hear about your rights as a cyclist from local bike lawyers Joe Dunson of Dunson Law, LLC and Ken Knabe of Brown and Szaller Co., LPA. Learn what you should do in the event of a crash, how to protect yourself in the eyes of the law, and how to navigate the tricky proposition of dealing with your, or the motorists, insurance company.
We will be downstairs in the Underdog hanging out while we hear from Joe and Ken. Stick around afterwards and kick it with the Bike Cleveland staff and your fellow riders. Beer, hotdogs, and learning something useful? See you there!
Posted in Events