Vocon Ohio Track Cup #4 p/b Bike Cleveland

Bike Cleveland presents race #4 in the Vocon Ohio Track Cup series at the Cleveland Velodrome on Saturday, August 15th. And did we mention that it’s going to be a Happy Hour PARTY?!
On the infield the Velodrome’s own DJ Green Noize will be providing an adrenaline laced soundtrack for the races. The Pope & Pedro have you covered for food & brew with artisan grilled cheese, BLT’s & fresh handmade sodas from Pope’s Kitchen and a trio of adult beverages from Earlybird Brewing! (you do need carbs when riding, right?)
Not a racer (yet) and wanna give the track a try? Come out early for an early Track 101 class offered by the Velodrome (limited space, sign up required – see info below). Track 101 is free, but donations are welcome to help Bike Cleveland with a little impromptu fundraiser for the Velodrome.
This will be an Ultra-Turbo-Deluxe good time. What better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than at the races? And while you’re there, don’t forget to check in with the Bike Cleveland folks so you are caught up on all of the great cycling events that are still to come this fall! (and well. They will be selling the food & brew tickets!)
11am – 1pm: Track 101 event, registration required on Velodromes site (link below). Bike included. Arrive by 10:45. Limited to 15 participants.
1pm – 5pm: $5 gets you access to music, race watching, food & brew sales, vendor tents, and overall awesomeness. Bike Cleveland Members are FREE. Brett will even kick in a beer ticket! (just kidding about the beer ticket, But we got your attention, no?) Pay at the door (cash please)
1pm – 5pm: Food & beer & Bike CLE swag sales
2pm – 4pm: Watch the super fast races and cheer! (Bike Cleveland Members who race, race for free)
2pm – 4:30pm: Music by DJ Green Noize
Link to TRACK 101 sign up: http://
***Bikes – Track – Spandex – The Pope – Beer – Music – Happy Hour**
Cleveland Velodrome — http://
Earlybird Brewing Company — http://www.earlybirdbrewing.com/
Pope’s Kitchen — http://