Take Action: Support Our 2023 Policy Priorities to Maintain, Protect, & Invest in Safe Streets

Bike Cleveland believes that 2023 is the year to rapidly implement low-cost bicycle network improvements and city-wide traffic calming. We believe that now is the time to fix past wrongs and fundamentally change our built environment for the better. Cleveland has an opportunity to learn from other cities like Pittsburgh, Austin, Denver, Boston, and others that have rapidly built out bicycle networks through bold investment and vision.
In 2023, Bike Cleveland is calling on the city to maintain, protect, and invest in safe streets:
- Allocate $500,000 to maintenance equipment to ensure our current & future bike network can be maintained.
- Expand the speed table pilot program across the city and integrate other traffic-calming tools including chicanes, raised crosswalks, curb extensions, and other interventions.
- Address the missed opportunities for all ages & abilities facilities found here.
- Incorporate short-term goals into the forthcoming Mobility Plan to ensure Cleveland’s all-ages & abilities bike network grows & improves in the year 2023.
- Hire an active transportation engineer and fill the Bike & Pedestrian Coordinator position to support staff capacity and the growth of our bike network.
Take action by signing our petition in support of these priorities.
At the close of 2022, Bike Cleveland celebrated the progress that the City of Cleveland made this past year: a new Complete & Green Streets ordinance was passed, the first round of traffic calming tools were installed across the city, a Vision Zero Action Plan was approved, the first resident-installed pop-up complete streets projects appeared on our streets, Cleveland was one of five cities selected for the national City Thread program, and more. Bike Cleveland is excited to see these critical policies & projects come to fruition and commends the city staff & elected officials that ushered those wins through.
Still, one year after Cleveland swore in Mayor Justin Bibb, bicycle riders across the city are wondering: when will Cleveland see its first full protected bike lane? When will the city correct the glaring errors from past administrations? When will the city fully implement a neighborhood traffic calming program?
Through our research, community engagement, and consultation with a traffic engineer, we have identified and reimagined 27 miles of new or improved bike facilities that could be addressed in 2023. See that list here.
Bike Cleveland believes that, while the city works to create a new mobility plan that will provide a framework for future development and the City Thread program provides recommendations for how to implement a bike network rapidly, the city should continue to make our roads safer by prioritizing the missed opportunities, maintenance, and traffic calming.
We hope that, with your support, we can see our streets & bikeways maintained, protected, and invested in this year.