Bike Cleveland 2013 Accomplishments

Like what we do? Help us do more in 2014 by becoming a member and making a donation.
Here is a snapshot of our plans to improve bicycling in Greater Cleveland in 2014:
Better Bikeways – We continue to develop and promote a vision for better bikeways that are interconnected, safe, attractive, and appeal to people of all ages, especially those of us who want to ride more but who have safety concerns. Better bikeways will increase the number of bicyclists and make our streets safer and more bicycle-friendly throughout Greater Cleveland. Bike Cleveland is committed to making this happen in 2014 by collaborating with local officials, business leaders, planners, and engineers on bikeway prioritization, design and implementation.
Better Enforcement – Local law enforcement cannot enforce laws they do not know or understand. With partners, Bike Cleveland will work with local police departments to train enforcement personnel on bicycle safety and community assessment skills needed for sound enforcement of laws governing drivers and bicyclists.
Better Engagement – Through our programs and advocacy outreach, Bike Cleveland will help residents of Cleveland neighborhoods and all of Greater Cleveland to overcome road blocks to cycling by advocating for an expanded, stress-free bike network and offering supportive services on how to achieve such a network.
There are barriers to overcome in order to achieve these goals. But with your voice and support, we can build a powerful political force for better bicycling in our region. It starts with you becoming a member of Bike Cleveland and by supporting our work with a financial contribution. Your membership and donation help increase our political clout, give voice to the priorities of the bicycling community, and provide funds to support our advocacy campaigns. We’re asking you to join Bike Cleveland today to be a part of improving bicycling in Greater Cleveland.