Denison Avenue Resurfacing – Public Meeting
Denison Avenue between SR176 and Ridge Road is going to have underground utility upgrades, and as a result will be resurfaced this year. There is a public meeting taking place on Thursday, January 9th at 6:30pm Sachsenheim Hall (7001 Denison Ave.)
We have heard that the new striping plan for Denison Avenue includes bike lanes. This is our opportunity, by attending the public meeting, to support safer streets for people on bikes by supporting bike lanes on the repaved Denison Avenue. Below are some reason’s why bike lanes on Denison Ave are important:
1. The 2012 NOACA traffic count show that there are only 8,000 cars per day on Denison between W. 33rd and W. 73rd. This means Denison has enough width to narrow the travel lanes and add bike lanes (known as a “road-diet.”)
2. At the public meeting that took place February 5th, 2013 there was strong community support for traffic calming and bike lanes on Denison Avenue.
3. Denison Avenue makes direct connections to the Fulton Road bike lanes and the future W. 65th bike facility. This would fill a gap in the bikeway network and create a series of connected bike lanes.
Here is the flyer for the public meeting. Spread the word.