Cleveland Bike Plan – 80 miles in 4 years

The City of Cleveland recently announced an aggressive plan to install 80+ miles of bike facilities by 2017. The 70 miles will be funded through the City’s capital improvement plan.
In addition the plan calls for 82.5 miles of additional bikeways that will complete a network of connected bicycle facilities. These additional miles will installed by simply removing existing stripes on streets and putting down new ones to accommodate people on bikes.
You can see the full plan below as presented at Bike Cleveland’s annual meeting on Sunday, January 19th. You can also see an interactive map of the plan at
City of Cleveland Bike Facility Implementation Plan
This is an exciting plan for the following reasons:
- It is a funded plan that is aligned with the city of Cleveland’s capital improvement plan.
- The plan identifies priority streets that make complete connections for people on bikes.
- The timeline is aggressive.
While the plan is exciting there is still one thing that it is missing to ensure we build an environment that makes riding a bike accessible to people of all ages and abilities: the type of bicycle facilities that will be installed.
Not only will we need to ensure we pack public meetings in support of better bikeways as part of this plan, but we need to make sure we communicate the true benefits of protected bike lanes, buffered bike lanes and traditional bike lanes.
Help grow our movement for better bikeways by becoming a member of Bike Cleveland today. Then Join our e-newsletter, friend us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to get updates on public meetings and what you can do to ensure we get Better Bikeways in Cleveland.
Here is the news coverage from the City of Cleveland’s announcement to connect neighborhoods by adding 70 miles of bikeways:
Freshwater Cleveland: Cleveland announces plans to add 70 miles of bikeways by 2017, but more work remains.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: Cleveland plans to add 70 miles of bikeways by 2017.
WEWS Channel 5 Cleveland: Cleveland to add 70 miles of bikeways over next 4 years.
WCPO Channel 9 Cincinnati: Cleveland to add 70 miles of Bikeways over next 4 years.
Cleveland Scene: City plans to add 70 miles of bikeways in Cleveland.