Book Launch: Cycling Rights: Bicycles, E-Bikes & Micro-Mobility Devices

Join Bike Cleveland and Ken Knabe, Cleveland’s Bike Attorney, for the launch and a discussion of his recent book titled “Cycling Rights: Bicycles, E-Bikes & Micro-Mobility Devices.”
His new book helps Cleveland cyclists understand their rights and responsibilities when riding on our roads. Ken provides both legal and practical advice for cyclist safety and helps motorists better understand our behavior as we all strive for calmer, safer roads where bikes, micro-mobility devices, pedestrians and motor vehicles share the road as co-equal users. “Cycling Rights” is an essential read for all cyclists.
Join us as Ken talks about his new book and answers questions from participants. Registration is required >
You can pick up a copy of “Cycling Rights” at All book sales on our website support Bike Cleveland.
More information and discussion on the Facebook Event