Detroit and Superior bike lanes are on the ground

After months of waiting the City of Cleveland has finally striped bike lanes on Detroit Avenue (from W. 29th to Lake Ave.) and Superior Avenue (from E. 30th to E. 55th). This is the beginning of a east-west connected bikeway we would like to see complete in 2014.
To see the history, timeline and advocacy work that went into the Detroit Bike Lane Project here. While the lanes are not perfect yet it is important to note that the Detroit bike lane will be re-striped in the spring with more visible and long lasting thermoplastic lines. This will give the City of Cleveland the opportunity to make any improvements to the bike lanes (have any suggestions? Email them to
It is also important to take a moment and thank the city for the money and time they have put into these two projects. As we continue to work towards creating safer streets for people who bike, either out of necessity or by choice, it will take partnerships and communication to ensure success. With that in mind take a moment to send a note to the Mayor, City Planning and Traffic Engineering thanking them for helping make our bike rides safer on Detroit and Superior. Use the form below, and feel free to customize, to submit a note to the Mayor, City Planning, and Traffic Engineering
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