Job Opportunities at the City of Cleveland

Help us fulfill one of our 2023 policy priorities! At the beginning of the year, Bike Cleveland recognized that limited capacity at the City of Cleveland was holding us back. That is why in our policy priorities we urged the City to staff up and demonstrate that mobility is a priority. We are excited to see that this week, under Mayor Bibb’s leadership, the City has posted 2 new transportation-related positions & 1 existing vacancy that will significantly increase momentum around mobility priorities!
We are excited to see that several transportation-related jobs have been posted! If you are a qualified candidate who supports our mission & values, we encourage you to apply.
- Major Transportation Projects Coordinator:
- Complete & Green Streets/Trails Coordinator:
- Special Projects Manager in the Mayor’s Office of Capital Projects
Keep an eye out for a couple of additional Active Transportation-related positions that will be posted in the coming weeks. We thank city staff & Mayor Bibb for investing in staff capacity to continue to build multimodal progress in Cleveland. Bike Cleveland is continuing to work on advancing our other priorities – read more about them and take action here.
As the year progresses, we will continue to post updates and ask for your support.