Lorain Avenue Streetscape – Cleveland’s first planned protected bike lane

UPDATE: Join us for the second Lorain Avenue Streetscape Public Meeting on February 19th, 6pm at Urban Community School, 4909 Lorain Ave.
Come and voice your support for Cleveland’s first ever planned protected bike lane.
Spread the word and invite your friends on Facebook.
On Tuesday, December 10th Ohio City Inc. and Bike Cleveland packed Franklin Circle Christian Church to share with the community the Living Lorain Streetscape plan. This plan is important for many reasons including community development, business growth, safety, making connections; but the key element contributing to the plans importance is that it includes Cleveland first ever protected bike lane.
See details about the plan below, including new coverage in support of the protected bike lane.
This was the first meeting of many, stay tuned for the announcement of a second public meeting that will take place in Detroit Shoreway in early 2014.
If you didn’t make it to the public meeting, or are not familiar with protected bike lanes and their benefit, check out the presentation from the meeting here:
Lorain Avenue Streetscape Plan – Public Meeting Presentation
Or become acquainted with the full Lorain Avenue Streetscape plan here:
Living Lorain Avenue – Final Streetscape Plan
News coverage about the plan and the public meeting: