PUBLIC MEETING: Willow Lift Bridge Project

The aging Willow Lift Bridge that connects River Road to Whiskey Island Drive needs to be rehabbed or replaced in the coming years. This presents both problems and opportunities. The Cleveland Foundation Centennial Lake Link Trail currently ends near one end of the bridge, and one of the Cleveland Metroparks’ upcoming TIGER grant projects is due to begin soon just on the other side. This will be the long awaited Whiskey Island Bridge for cyclists and pedestrians. This aging lift bridge is the connection.
The City of Cleveland is considering options that include continuing truck traffic coming over the bridge and through through Ohio City, Lakeview Estates, and the Flats. Other options under consideration build new bridges and create new routes for trucks that connect directly to the shoreway. There is currently very heavy (nearly continuous) truck traffic through Lakeview Estates that could be eliminated under these plans. But without Willow Lift Bridge the planned connection needed for the trail network is in limbo. All of the plans under consideration impact cyclists and pedestrians.
Please join us at this key Public Meeting to learn more, and help weigh the options.
When: Tuesday, November 12th 6:00-7:30PM
Where: St. Paul’s Community Church, 4427 Franklin Blvd MAP