RiverSweep – Morgana Run Trail

We are proud to be participating in the 35th annual RiverSweep on May 4 with Canalway Partners.
On Saturday, May 4 from 9am-11am, we’re partnering with Canalway Partners and The Boy Scouts of America Lake Erie Council to clean up an eastern section of the Morgana Run Trail. Bike Cleveland and Canalway Partners will supply the tools, gloves & garbage bags, just bring yourself and a friend!
Since 1989, Canalway’s RiverSweep has been bringing together volunteers to protect the Cuyahoga River from litter and illegal dumping. During this time, more than 20 thousand volunteers have helped recycle 24,757 illegally discarded tires and picked up 1.5 million pounds of trash. This annual cleanup is one of Ohio largest one-day litter cleanups. It has helped communities reduce public dumping and encouraged the creation of parks and trails.
Questions? Reach out to Jacob at Jacob@bikecleveland.org
Date | May 4th, 2024
Time | 9am – 11am
Sign-up | Register to volunteer via Sign Up Genius.
Location | Morgana Run Trail and Jones Rd. (Parking available at Cleveland Eastside Ecumenical (8003 Broadway Ave, Cleveland, OH 44105)