Roll to the Polls

Roll to the Polls for early voting Saturday, November 2nd. We have two meet-up locations, one east and one west, that will ride to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections to vote. If you’ve already voted, that’s OK! You are still welcome to roll with us in the spirit of non-partisan democracy and community.
East side ride:
Meet up at 10:30am
Roll out at 11:00am
Depart from Cumberland Pool in Cleveland Heights
Meet up at 10:30am
Roll out at 11:00am
Depart from Cumberland Pool in Cleveland Heights
The ride from CH to the Board of Elections will be about ~7.5 miles each way at a casual pace. We will stop briefly at the VOTE mural on E. 91st and Saint Clair for a group photo, then head to the Board of Elections. Then, we’ll all head to the Agora (Euclid Ave near & E. 55) where Cleveland VOTES and the NAACP are hosting a Pull Up to the Polls Early Vote Rally (10am to 2pm). They’ll have food, a DJ/live music, give aways, and other cool stuff. Following this we will head back to Cleveland Heights.
West side ride:
Meet up at 11:00am
Roll out at 11:15am
Departs from the Lakewood Marc’s Plaza at 14900 Detroit Rd.
Meet up at 11:00am
Roll out at 11:15am
Departs from the Lakewood Marc’s Plaza at 14900 Detroit Rd.
The ride from Lakewood will be about 8 miles each way at a casual pace. We will ride directly to the Board of Elections and vote early together. Riders are welcome and encouraged to stick around to join the Heights Bicycle Coalition group in attending the Cleveland VOTES rally at The Agora. For those with limited time, ride leaders will depart from the BOE immediately after voting and head back to Lakewood.
What to bring:
A helmet, your bike in good working condition, full water bottle, and an ID/proof of residency if you’re voting:
A helmet, your bike in good working condition, full water bottle, and an ID/proof of residency if you’re voting:
Make sure your voice is heard in this upcoming important election. Find more information on voting, including sample ballots, at:
BIG Announcement 

Cleveland VOTES + Cleveland NAACP are ecstatic to share that Grammy award winning artist, Leon Thomas will be performing at Pull Up to the Polls, Early Vote Rally! His groundbreaking work on SZA’s “Snooze” bagged him a Grammy in 2024. Now, with the release of his sophomore album, MUTT, an album lyrically rich as it is sonically expansive, and a SOLD OUT tour, You do not want to miss this rally!